A Quick, Simple Guide To Pinterest Analytics

A Quick, Simple Guide To Pinterest Analytics


Pinterest, the visual search engine we all know and love, offers insightful analytics!

And whether you’ve looked at these metrics before, or you have no clue what I’m talking about, here’s a simple guide you can follow.


Where Can You Access Pinterest Analytics?

Once you are on pinterest.com in a web browser and have a Pinterest Business Account, you can access the analytics dashboards by clicking on the Analytics menu option on the home view.

How To Access Pinterest Analytics


Then you’ll see a dropdown menu appear, revealing two dashboards – Overview and Audience Insights.

Pinterest - 2 Dashboards


The main difference between these two dashboards is the Audience Insights will give details about your target audience.

Pinterest Audience Insights


However, the Overview will provide details about your website’s traffic.

Overview in Pinterest Analytics


You can click either option to gather insights.

But what does it all mean?

Here are a few tips to help you navigate these metrics!


A Quick Yet Informative Guide To Pinterest Analytics

(1) Let’s start with Audience Insights.

This dashboard reflects the types of readers you’ve had for the past 30 days.

It highlights their age, gender, location and type of device PLUS what content they are more likely to pin.

For example, when I look at my recent Audience Insights dashboard, I can see the following:

  • My Pinterest audience is on avg. 1.5 times more likely to pin content about weddings, parenting, beauty, women’s fashion, and quotes.

Categories and Interests in Pinterest Audience Insights

  • My ideal audience on Pinterest is the 18-24-year-old female.

Age and Gender Data on Pinterest Audience Insights

  • More than likely, these women live in the USA, specifically LA, NY, and Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

Top Locations in Pinterest Audience Insights

Top Countries - Pinterest Audience Insights

  • They usually use the Pinterest app on their iPhone.

Device - Pinterest Audience Insights


(2) Now let’s tackle the Overview.

This dashboard highlights what content is generating traffic over specific periods of time.

When I switch to the Analytics overview, I can see:

  • Compared to the previous 30 days, I’ve had a decrease in views and engagement from my Pinterest audience.

Pinterest Analytics Review - Overview Dashboard

  • The views of my content have been pretty steady, except for a spike on September 4, 2019.

Impressions - Pinterest Analytics Overview

  • What top pins have contributed to that steady flow of traffic.

Top Pins - Pinterest Overview

  • Even more specifically, I can see what type of pins contributed to my Pinterest profile and website traffic. Other Pins, highlighted in red, let me know that someone else’s pin of my content is driving traffic. Your Pins, highlighted in blue, let me know that a pin I added to Pinterest is generating traffic.

Other Pins vs Your Pins Described

You see! Pinterest isn’t as intimidating as it seems.

These steps will help you understand the effect of your efforts on this platform, help you track your progress, and encourage you to try new things.

Let me know if you found these gems helpful in the comments below!
A Quick, Simple Guide To Pinterest Analytics
Tamara Sykes
Caribbean-Born Gal. Always Plottin' My Next Hairstyle. Encouraging women with a creative spirit to color outside the lines and live a life they love.


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