How To Make Your Blog SEO-Friendly Without A Developer

How To Make Your Blog SEO-Friendly Without A Developer


So you aren’t able to hire someone to tackle SEO… good to know!

But you can still do ten(10) things to make your website, SEO-friendly!

Keep reading to find out what they are.


10 Ways To Make Your Blog SEO-Friendly Without A Developer

(1) Go from http to https with an SSL Certificate

Make Your Site Secure With An SSL Certificate aka https

Currently, Google and other search engines prefer to show secure websites at the top of search results.

Plus audiences have more faith in this type of site, especially if they need to make a purchase.

The only way they can tell that a URL is secure is if it includes https or a lock icon (🔒).

In order to get your WordPress website to display this way, download the Really Simple SSL plugin.

For a Squarespace website, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account and select the website you need to make secure.
  2. Head to Settings > Advanced > SSL
  3. Make sure you select Secure and HSTS Secure.



(2) Make Your Website’s Meta Description 150 Characters Or Less

Your website’s description is typically displayed under your URL in search results, and it provides a short summary of what your content is about. See the screenshot below.

The key to using this meta tag field on your website well is to only use 150 characters or less to describe your page.

If you have WordPress, using a plugin like YoastSEO will help you edit this.

For Squarespace users, follow the steps here.

P.S. If you’d like the exact formula for how to create an impactful meta description for your website’s home page, blog posts and other pages on your site, grab your copy of my ebook, How To Set Up Your Blog For Success.



(3) Make Your Website Title 70 Characters Or Less

Make Your Website Title 70 Characters Or Less

As highlighted in the screenshot above, your website title is displayed above your URL in the search results.

It’s also the largest text display on that results page.

So, you definitely want to make sure that you strategically utilize this space!

Some good things to include are the name of your brand and a tagline.

You should also consider adding keywords for your content.

To edit this meta tag – reread No.2!



(4) Add Social Media Links

While working with small business owners on their SEO strategy in my last full-time role, I learned that this aspect of website SEO is often neglected.

As a digital content creator, don’t make the same mistake!

Always include social media links on your website, especially Facebook and Twitter (if you use them).

Search engines, like Google, definitely trust a website more when it has social media profiles linked that match the brand.

Furthermore, put them in your header, or your footer, or both to make your blog SEO-friendly.



(5) Add A Contact Page 

Here’s a secret, search engines are looking to see that your website is engaging!

Which means you need to be open to people contacting you.

A contact page on your site easily meets this requirement, plus if you’re doing any type of monetization, it makes it easy for customers or brands to contact you too!

Therefore, make sure you add one to your website and include a form.

You can click here to see mine and use it as an example.

Additionally, to help filter spam:



(6) Decrease The File Size Of Your Photos

Optimize Your Images To Make A SEO-Friendly Blog

Search engines take page speed into consideration when ranking a website’s search engine optimization.

And a great way to increase this metric is by decreasing the file size of your photos.

To be clear, I’m referring to how much storage a photo, or photos, requires. The larger it is, the longer it takes to load on devices, especially mobile ones.

For example, a photo that is 347 KB takes up less space than a photo that’s 1,843 KB.

You can use a tool like Free Image Optimizer no matter what blog platform you use.

On WordPress specifically, you can download the Smush plugin, which will automatically optimize the size of photos on your site.



(7) Evaluate Your Website With Google’s PageSpeed Insights

Speaking of page speed, use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to address other page speed issues.

If you have a little more coding experience and would like to see what other issues could be slowing your site down:

  1. Go to the PageSpeed Insights tool
  2. Enter your URL
  3. Voila – you’ll have the answers with support articles to guide you!



(8) Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Just like having a secure website, it’s also in your best interest to make sure your site works well on mobile devices.

To test this, you should take at least one of the following actions:

(A) Choose a mobile-responsive theme on WordPress or Squarespace.

(B) Test to see if your desktop and mobile site look the same by visiting your URL on your laptop and phone.

(C) Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to see if you passed or not. Then if you have issues, address them!



(9) Update The Alt Text Field On Your Photos

Edit The Alt Text Field to Make Your Blog SEO-Friendly

When you update the Alt Text field don your photos, you allow search engines to understand the relevance of your photos to user searches.

It’s also a unique way to get to the top of search results!

The key here is to use a brief phrase that best describes the photo, especially as it relates to the content it’s included in.

I actually explain it all in my blog post, A Unique Way To Get Your Content To The Top Of Search.



(10) Target Keywords In Your Content

Always do this!

If you’re writing about over-the-knee boots, make sure that you target that statement by:

  1. Including it and synonyms in your content.
  2. Including it in the image Alt text

By the way, if you get stuck on what keywords to use, you can use my favorite free tools to help.

Click here to see the list!



Next Steps To Make An SEO-Friendly Blog

First and foremost, pin this content for later! I guarantee that you’ll revisit this post quite a bit 😉

Just place your mouse over the image below and select the Pinterest symbol.

How To Make Your Blog SEO-Friendly Without A Developer


Secondly, get the blueprint to setting up your blog for success by adding my ebook, How To Set Up Your Blog For Success, to your cart today!

Click here to view it in my shop! 


And last but not least, make sure you actually put these tips into action!

Tamara Sykes
Caribbean-Born Gal. Always Plottin' My Next Hairstyle. Encouraging women with a creative spirit to color outside the lines and live a life they love.


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I empower ambitious women of color and women-run businesses with the support and media strategies they need to thrive.
