10 Self Care Activities You Can Do Besides Netflix & Chill

10 Self Care Activities You Can Do Besides Netflix & Chill


Do you have any ideas on how to really make meaningful time for yourself?

Yes, I sure do!

By now, we’re all familiar with the importance of self-care activities in our life.

However, we can all agree that sometimes we get stuck just relying on “Netflix & Chill” to be our way of reinvesting in ourselves throughout the week.

So let’s chat about how to create a more self-aware self-care routine PLUS I’ll share a few ideas you can put into practice.


How To Create A Self-Aware Self-Care Routine

The truth is that every self-care routine does not fit all!

We each relax differently!

Therefore, it’s imperative that we take the time to understand what are the most impactful ways to invest in ourselves, which honestly starts with asking one question,

What makes me smile?

Seriously, what makes you smile?

Think about it.

Do you feel happy when you get to cuddle with a cute puppy?

Do you feel more relaxed when you have a deep conversation with a friend?

Maybe you smile when you read a good fiction book?

Or what about starting your day with a cup of coffee?

You see, what makes everyone smile is such a diverse list BUT if you are aware of what makes you grin from ear to ear, then you know how to invest in your self-care!

Here’s a personal example.


How I Invest In My Self-Care

Based on my Meyers Briggs test results, I am an INFJ, which basically means that I am an introverted and nurturing creative.

I thrive on helping people, and I’m great at creating structure and order out of chaos.

However, my strengths only flourish as long as I have my alone time and space to not be the go-to person for others.

So my self-care routine is very focused on attaining small moments or long periods of these things.

For example:

  1. I take a hot shower every night after my husband and daughter have gone to bed in order to get 10-15 minutes of me-time. This also helps me sleep well.
  2. I typically eat lunch by myself at work. I love people but again, I need some time where I just don’t have to interact with humans.
  3. A few days of the week, I turn off my phone for 2-3 hours during the evening. Burn out is real in the blogging space and I intentionally have breaks in my schedule to avoid it.
  4. My husband has an occasional daddy-daughter day so that I can spend a couple hours alone. This really helps me have some space from the demands of family life, replenishing my nurturing energy.
  5. I go to therapy at least once a month to just talk to an objective 3rd-party about my life and work through any current issues. You’ll see me share this a lot on my Instagram (stories and timeline). It’s made a huge difference for my well-being in the past year. In fact, my husband says it generally makes me a happier person lol.

Do you see?

My unique routine is based on what rejuvenates me and contributes to my happiness.

If you’re just like me, your self-care routine may look similar to mine or include some of the exact practices!

But if you’re different — for example, an extrovert like my husband — your self-care may require more social activities because that’s what makes you happy.

Does that make sense?

By the way, I encourage you to take a Myers Briggs test to help you get started. Click here to use my favorite one and finish in less than 12 minutes!


10 Self Care Activities You Can Do Any Day

With that in mind, here are ten (10) self-care activities you can do any day besides Netflix and Chill:


(1) Put A Puzzle Together

Remember the good old days when you used to do puzzles?

You can grab a box of one that’s super easy at a nearby store like Dollar Tree or Walmart and spend time doing it on an evening after work.

Or you can grab one from Amazon and do it on the weekends!

Now if you’re not interested in spending money for this self-care activity, or you’re a parent and the mess would induce anxiety, I have a free app that I use that would be helpful. Click here to download it on your iPhone! And click here to download it on an Android!


(2) Play Dominoes Or Cards.

Hubby and I have tried this one recently!

We purchased a dominoes set during one of our family grocery trips to ALDI and it’s been amazing to learn a new game.

In fact, for me, it’s been relearning a treasured Caribbean past time lol.

Anyway, we also have a deck of cards that we use to play games together.

Sometimes the games take forever because there are only two of us BUT it does make for some fun couple competition.

You should definitely try it!


(3) Have A Board Game Night

This is a great option for those of you with more extroverted personalities!

Invite a friend or two over and host a board game night.

Add in wine and snacks, and you’ll have a great time playing classics like Monopoly or Sorry!


(4) Read A Good Fiction Book With A Cup Of Tea! 

Maybe I’m a little biased but reading self-help or business books does not scream relaxing for me.

Instead, it makes my mind open 1,000 more tabs and prompts me to add more tasks to my to-do lists.

If that’s you too, consider the opposite route and opt to read a good fiction book with a cup of tea in the evening.

You can purchase a book or grab a copy from your local library!

My suggestion, and one of my favorite authors, is Debbie Macomber.

What can I say, I’m a sucker for love stories 🙂 


(5) Take A Bubble Bath With Bath Bombs

Sounds cliche, right?

But have you tried a nourishing bubble bath with a Lush bath bomb?

I tried one for the first time in November last year and I’ve been a #LushGal ever since. My daughter even loves them!

Their bath bombs aren’t just environmentally friendly.

They’re colorful, smell amazing and are infused with essential oils!

So it’s like skincare, self-care and taking care of the planet all wrapped in one.

Would that make you smile?

It definitely brings one to my face!


(6) Journal

Sometimes getting your thoughts about the day is a great way to unwind and replenish your spirit, and journaling is the answer to that.

Grab a traditional notebook or a beautifully designed journal, and take an hour to write down whatever you’re thinking at the end of the day.

The best part is that this book is a judgment-free zone!

You don’t have to write down anything perfectly or legibly.

Just say whatever you want, however you want.

Isn’t that beautiful?


(7) Listen To Podcasts Or New Music By Your Favorite Artist

When’s the last time that you just sat and listened to something?

A podcast or new music by your favorite artist?

Start doing this again today!

You can listen to either option on the way to work, especially if you have a longer than average commute.

Or when you return home from your career, you can eat dinner and just listen to something amazing while chilling on the couch.

You’d be surprised how something so simple can really help you relax.


(8) Take A Short Walk

I’ll be honest, this isn’t my personal preference but maybe it’s yours?

During lunchtime, in the morning, or after work, you can take a short walk to get some fresh air!

Just put your phone on silent and enjoy the outdoors for a little bit.


(9) Text Or Call A Friend You Haven’t Spoken To In A While

If there’s anything we can agree on, is that as adults, we don’t always have time to maintain our friendships.

Life can get crazy busy!

So maybe one evening during the week, text or call a friend to catch up.

They’ll be glad to hear from you and you’ll feel a great sense of connection!

And may I add, that connection will be more beneficial than what social media has to offer 😉


(10) Start Or Restart A Hobby NOT SIDE HUSTLE

I stressed the “not side hustle” part because that’s a downside of the millennial and Gen Z generation.

We side hustle everything so much that we get burnt out.

There’s no need for that. Even God rested on the seventh day!

Take a break and just do something, anything as a hobby.

Just don’t monetize it or feel the need to advertise it on social media.

Do it for you!

And some examples? Consider painting, crocheting, and even puzzles, as I mentioned earlier.


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10 Self Care Activities You Can Do Everyday Besides Netflix & Chill

Tamara Sykes
Caribbean-Born Gal. Always Plottin' My Next Hairstyle. Encouraging women with a creative spirit to color outside the lines and live a life they love.


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